Our festival bars are a legendary part of the weekend and we know you don’t mind us reminding you that every drink you buy from one of our bars goes directly to helping support not just the whole festival (by keeping ticket prices reasonable) but all of our outreach activity.
Our Budvar Tent is the hub of the whole festival, with a magnificent programme of FREE live music and DJs. It’s a great place to meet friends, chill while you’re waiting to see Nigella, Stephen Morris et al at the Town Hall and just generally somewhere to take the weight off your slingbacks.
This year we’re ridiculously excited that our Budvar Bar is going to be this beauty:
We’ll be serving ice cold Budvar (please check them out here – it’s genuinely one of the very finest lagers you’ll ever drink, only brewed in Ceske Budejovice in southern Bohemia) as well as our celebration festival ale, kindly supplied by local brewer Redemption Brewing up in Tottenham. The annual competition to name it is still running, with Brew Monday and Nige Aler currently neck and neck).
Aspall cider is definitely the best widely-available cider you can buy and if you’re going to our Rising Stars event, celebrating some of the best new writing this year – you even get a free glass on arrival!
Borough Wines – our very favourite wine shop – has even created special festival wine labels, suggesting that if you’re with friends, you might as well buy a bottle, take a festival selfie and Instagram yourselves with glasses of their delicious rosé, white or red. They’re also supplying fizz to get the party properly started…
Spirits are provided by superb local distiller East London Liquor Company and soft drinks (including an alcohol-free G&T) by the award-winning Square Root Sodas.
We work with sponsors who fit the festival’s values – either local / family-founded / doing something interesting. We’ve also looked at our single use plastic consumption and have drastically cut down, with a view to completely eliminate it as soon as we’re able.
Bars are available at the following venues:
Town Hall – for evening events they’ll be taking interval drinks orders but are open as soon as the doors are open so grab a drink
Library Gallery – the Emilies’ Bar was started by 2 Emilies then one of them went and had some children so now everyone who works there over the weekend is called Emily for 3 days
Abney Hall
Mortuary Chapel
St Paul’s Church Hall – our food venue which will also make you thirsty…
The Old Church
© 2025 Stoke Newington Literary Festival. Stoke Newington Literary Festival C.I.C. is a company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England & Wales number 7990786. Registered Office: 52 Bayston Road, London N16 7LT.
Site by Zerofee. All festival photos©: www.davidxgreen.com. Ticket icon designed by Mateo Zlatar from the Noun Project